Settle in, Uncle Turnip has a story kids. Not the first time I have shared this, yet for myself the lesson has marinated some and life, as it has been chugging along, seems to present itself as yet another shining example in this lesson.
Along time ago there was a little bird. Full of spunk and vigour. A real character and truly popular with all the rest of the flock. Perhaps even a few in the neighbouring gaggle, were smitten.
Nonetheless, the days were getting shorter and it was time to start making way down south before the chill set it. Every day more and more winged friends starting leaving. Yet it was still warm out. Sure, a couple of the evenings were chilly. That just meant you got to cuddle.
Soon there was no one left to cuddle and those nights got chilly. As such this little bird decided it was time to get their tail feathers down south.
Our little feathered flapper started out on their journey. Racing to catch their friends. They had been lonely for sure. It was going to be great to get there — just have to get around this snow storm.
Frustratingly, the bad weather did not fair well for our little friend. Snow and ice pellets, mixed with horrible wind gusts made it impossible for any semblance of flight. Soon our winged friend couldn’t fly — frozen wings!
Plummeting to earth over an unfamiliar ranch, facing their inevitable demise, wishing they had left earlier. Coulda, woulda, shoulda, yadda, yadda…falling…falling.
Right in the biggest pile of cow POOP!
Everything went black.
Moments pass and our feathered friend begins to regain consciousness. Whilst “coming-to” our feathered friend starts to realize they can move their wings, feel their feet. Although, it really stunk like cow-shit everywhere.
Nonetheless, our buddy was happy they weren’t dead and there was still hope of still reaching warmer climates and meeting up with their friends again. CHEEP!
What was that? An excited exclamation escaped a still chattering beak. CHEEP CHEEP!
2 more!
Things were looking up — “I am getting out of here!”
Everything went black.
HMMMM – kitty tummy happy. “Kitty haz nap”.
Those that get you into shit may not be your enemy — while those that get you out of shit, may not be your friend. Most importantly – if you are happy in your pile of shit — KEEP YOUR FUCKING BEAK SHUT!